
As the Unlucky, doing tasks, killing, or venting has a chance to kill you.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Unlucky that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Unlucky
  • Chance to suicide from killing
    • Set the percent chance that a player has of suiciding because they killed
  • Chance to suicide from doing tasks
    • Set the percent chance that a player has of suiciding because they did a task
  • Chance to suicide from venting
    • Set the percent chance that a player has of suiciding because they vented
  • Chance to suicide from reporting bodies
    • Set the percent chance that a player has of suiciding because they reported a body
  • Chance to suicide from opening a door
    • Set the percent chance that a player has of suiciding because they opened a door
  • can become Unlucky
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Unlucky
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Unlucky
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role