• Swap and choose your saved lobby settings
    • : Mod will prevent black-screening
    • : Mod will not prevent black-screening
  • Enable Gradient Tags

    • : Gradient Tags can be used.
    • : Gradient Tags cannot be used.
    • : Players can use /kcount to see the amount of killers left
    • : Players cannot use /kcount to see the amount of killers left
    • : Roles of ejected players will be shown to everyone
    • : Roles of ejected players will not be shown to everyone
  • Kick players whose level is lower than

    • Set the minimum level required to play
      • Temp Ban low level players
        • : Temporarily bans low level players from your lobby
        • : Doesn't temporarily ban low level players from your lobby, kicks them like usual
  • Turn on Whitelist to bypass level kick

    • : Whitelisted players can join the lobby even if they don't meet lobby requirements
    • : Whitelisted players are ignored, and treated as everyone else is
  • Kick Non-PC players

    • : Non-PC players cannot play
      • Kick Android players
        • : Android players will be kicked from the lobby automatically
        • : Android players will not be kicked from the lobby automatically
      • Kick iOS players
        • : iOS players will be kicked from the lobby automatically
        • : iOS players will not be kicked from the lobby automatically
      • Kick Xbox players
        • : Xbox players will be kicked from the lobby automatically
        • : Xbox players will not be kicked from the lobby automatically
      • Kick PlayStation players
        • : PlayStation players will be kicked from the lobby automatically
        • : PlayStation players will not be kicked from the lobby automatically
      • Kick Nintendo Switch players
        • : Nintendo Switch players will be kicked from the lobby automatically
        • : Nintendo Switch players will not be kicked from the lobby automatically
    • : Non-PC players can play
  • Kick players without a friend code

    • : Players without a registered account cannot play
    • : Players without a registered account can play
      • Temp Ban players without a friend code
        • : Temporarily bans players without friend codes from your lobby
        • : Doesn't temporarily ban players without friend codes from your lobby, kicks them like usual
  • Apply VIP List

    • : Players who are VIPs will be given a VIP Tag in the lobby
    • : There will be no VIP Tag in the lobby
  • Apply DenyName List

    • : Players using names in the DenyName.txt document cannot play
    • : All names are allowed to play
  • Apply BanList

    • : Players that have been banned in previous lobbies cannot join new lobbies by the host
    • : Players that have been banned in previous lobbies can rejoin new lobbies by the host
  • Apply Moderator List

    • : Players that have been added to the Host’s Moderator List will be given Moderator Permissions in the lobby
    • : Players that have been added to the Host’s Moderator List will not be given Moderator Permissions in the lobby
      • Allow moderators to use /say command
        • : Moderators can use /say to send a message when dead
        • : Moderators cannot use /say to send a message when dead
  • Kick players that say start

    • : Players that type “start, Start, begin, etc” will be kicked from the lobby
      • Number of warnings before kick
        • Set how many times a player can say start before they get kicked
      • Block a player after they’re kicked
        • : Players that get kicked from spamming Start will be auto-blocked
        • : Players can join even when kicked
    • : Players will be able to say “start, Start, begin, etc” without being kicked
  • Temp ban players who keep quitting

    • : Players that keep quitting will be blacklisted from joining for some time
    • : Players that keep quitting will not be blacklisted from joining for some time
      • Amount of Quits needed for temp ban
        • Set how many times a player can say quit before they get temp banned
  • Minutes to wait before auto-starting

    • Set how many minutes the host has to wait before the game auto-starts
  • Force start when Lobby Timer (in minutes) goes below

    • Set the time when the game will auto-start
  • Minimum Player Threshold to auto-start

    • Set the minimum amount of players required to auto-start the game
  • Initial countdown for auto-starting

    • Set the countdown for auto-starting the game
  • Auto Play Again

    • : The game will auto-start again after the game ends
    • : The game will not auto-start again after the game ends
      • Delay before re-entering lobby
        • Set how long it will take to re-enter lobby after a round
    • : Mod will use less power for loading things, making it run a bit faster
    • : Mod will use its default power for loading things, making it run a bit slower
    • : Game will force end once a player gets a game breaking bug
    • : Game will continue as before
    • : Messages sent during the ejection screen will be hidden
    • : Messages sent during the ejection screen will not be hidden
    • : Whenever a player is killed, their pet will be removed
    • : Whenever a player is killed, their pet will not be removed
  • When a cheating player is found

    • You can choose an action to take when a player is found cheating
      • Ban - Adds them to the BanList.txt immediately
      • Kick - Kicks them from the lobby
      • Notify Me - Notify only the host of the cheating player
      • Notify Everyone - Notify everyone of the cheating player
  • Disable VoteKick System

    • : Players will be unable to use the vote-kick menu in the chat
    • : Players will still be able to use the vote-kick menu in the chat
  • Display Kill-log

    • : Kill-log of the previous round will be displayed once people enter the lobby
    • : Kill-log will not automatically be displayed. (People can still /l)
  • Display Last Roles

    • : Everyone's roles of the previous round will be displayed once people enter the lobby
    • : Roles will not automatically be displayed. (People can still /l)
  • Auto Display Last Result

    • : Last Results of the previous round will be displayed once people enter the lobby
    • : Last Results will not automatically be displayed. (People can still /l)
  • Suffix

    • Change the Suffix under Host name
    • You can choose between:
      • None - Displays nothing
      • Version - Displays which TOHE update the lobby is using
      • Streaming - Displays that you are Live-Streaming
      • Recording - Displays that you are Recording
      • Room Host - Displays that you are the Host of the Room
      • Original Name - Displays your Among Us Display Name
      • Don’t kill me - Displays the words “Don’t kill me” below your name
      • No phones - Displays “No phones” below your name
      • Auto-Host - Displays “Auto-Host” below your name
  • Hide 'Host' Text

    • : The 'Host' text before your name will be hidden
    • : The 'Host' text before your name will be visible
  • Hide Game Settings

    • : Others won't see what roles are enabled/disabled
    • : Others can see what roles are enabled/disabled like usual
  • Players can use the /color command

    • : players can /color to change their Bean Color
    • : players cannot change it with the command and have to do it normally
  • Players can use the /quit command to leave the lobby forever

    • : Players can use the /quit command to leave the lobby forever
    • : Players cannot use the /quit command to leave the lobby forever
  • Players can use the /rn command

    • : players can /rn to change their Name.
    • : players cannot change it with the command and have to do it normally
  • Player Name Mode

    • This is how the player’s name is displayed in game. You can choose between:
      • Disable - Default player names will be used
      • Color - Display the player’s color
      • Random - Display a random name
  • Disable Emoji in names

    • : players cannot use emoji in their names
    • : players can use emoji in their names
  • Show Role Info to Unmodded Clients Round 1

    • : Info about each User's role is sent to them Round 1
    • : Users have to manually type /m to check their role info
  • Show Role Descriptions to Unmodded Clients at First Meeting

    • : descriptions about each User's role is sent to them on the First Meeting
    • : Users have to manually type /m to check their role description
    • : the game cannot end until the host ends it
    • : the game can end normally
    • : the console stays open during Hosting
    • : the console minimizes during Hosting
    • : AntiBlackout Protects will be disabled
    • : AntiBlackout Protects will not be disabled
  • Role Assigning Algorithm

    • Set the appearance of how Camouflage looks when communications are sabotaged
      • Default - Everyone appears grey
      • Random - Everyone appears grey
      • Only Random Color - Everyone appears grey
      • - Everyone appears as the host's skin
      • - Everyone appears as KARPED1EM's skin (the orignal TOHEdited Developer)
      • - Everyone appears as Lauryn's skin (Head of HR)
      • - Everyone appears as Moe's skin (President)
      • - Everyone appears as Pyro's skin (the Website Assistant)
      • - Everyone appears as ryuk's skin (Co-President)
      • - Everyone appears as Gurge44's skin (EHR Developer)
      • - Everyone appears as TommyXL's skin (Lead Developer of TOHE)
    • : Host can use the command /up [rolename] to get the specified role on the next game - Requires Permissions
    • : Host cannot use the command /up [rolename] to get the specified role on the next game

From: TOHE