• Confirm Ejections Mode
    • Set how the game will describe ejections
      • None - Ejections will be described as โ€œ#### was ejectedโ€
      • Team - Ejections will tell you what team the player was on
      • Role - Ejections will tell you what role the player was
  • Show remaining on ejects
    • : The game will tell you how many are left
      • Show remaining on ejects
        • : The game will tell you how many are left
        • : The game will not tell you how many are left
    • : The game will not tell you how many are left
  • Show what team the ejected player's role is on
    • : The game will tell you what team the ejected player's role is on
    • : The game will not tell you what team the ejected player's role is on
  • Confirm Egoists on ejection
    • : Egoists will be confirmed on ejection
    • : Egoists will not be confirmed on ejection
  • Confirm Lovers on ejection
    • : Lovers will be confirmed on ejection
    • : Lovers will not be confirmed on ejection

  • Random Maps Mode
    • : Map will be chosen randomly
      • Chance that the map is
        • The Skeld - Set the chance that the map will be The Skeld
        • MIRA HQ - Set the chance that the map will be MIRA HQ
        • Polus - Set the chance that the map will be Polus
        • dlekS ehT - Set the chance that the map will be dlekS ehT
        • Airship - Set the chance that the map will be Airship
        • The Fungle - Set the chance that the map will be The Fungle
        • Use a more random map selection
          • : Maps will be selected even more randomly
          • : Maps will not be selected even more randomly
    • Random Spawns Mode
      • : Spawn locations will be chosen randomly
        • Random Spawns in Locations
          • : Spawn locations will be chosen randomly in their respective locations
            • Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)
              • : More spawn locations will be added
              • : More spawn locations will not be added
          • : Spawn locations will be chosen randomly in the entire map
        • Random Spawns on Vents
          • : Spawn locations will be chosen randomly on vents
          • : Spawn locations will be chosen normally
      • : Spawn locations will be chosen normally
    • Map Modifications
      • : Mess with Map modifiers to change how you can play on maps
      • : Map modifiers will not be implemented and will work as Vanilla intended
        • Variable Electrical ()
          • The Electrical room will be randomized.
        • Disable Moving Platform ()
          • : Moving platform will be disabled
          • : Moving platform will be enabled
        • Disable Spore Trigger ()
          • : Spore Trigger will be disabled
          • : Spore Trigger will be enabled
        • Disable Zipline ()
          • : Zipline will be disabled
            • Disable Use From Top
              • : Zipline will be disabled from the top
              • : Zipline will not be disabled from the top
            • Disable Use From Bottom
              • : Zipline will be disabled from the bottom
              • : Zipline will not be disabled from the bottom
          • : Zipline will be enabled
    • Reset Doors After Meetings (//)
      • : Doors will be reset after meetings
        • Reset Doors Mode
          • Set how Doors will be reset on these maps, choose from:
          • All Open
          • All Closed
          • Closed Random
        • : Doors will not be reset after meetings

  • Camouflage During Comms Sabotage
    • : when Comms are sabotaged, everyone will turn into the specified appearance
      • Disable comms camouflage on some maps
        • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on some maps
          • Disable comms camouflage on The Skeld
            • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on The Skeld
            • : Comms camouflage will be enabled on The Skeld
          • Disable comms camouflage on MiraHQ
            • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on MiraHQ
            • : Comms camouflage will be enabled on MiraHQ
          • Disable comms camouflage on Polus
            • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on Polus
            • : Comms camouflage will be enabled on Polus
          • Disable comms camouflage on Airship
            • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on Airship
            • : Comms camouflage will be enabled on Airship
          • Disable comms camouflage on Fungle
            • : Comms camouflage will be disabled on Fungle
            • : Comms camouflage will be enabled on Fungle
      • Disable body reporting while camouflaged
        • : players cannot report bodies while camouflaged
        • : players can report bodies while camouflaged
    • : Camouflage Comms Sabotage works like it normally would
  • Sabotage Cooldown Control
    • : the host can control the sabotage cooldown
      • Sabotage Cooldown
        • Set how long the sabotage cooldown will be
    • : the sabotage cooldown will be normal
  • Sabotage Duration Control
    • : the host can control how long sabotages last
      • Polus Reactor Time Limit
        • Set how long the Polus Reactor sabotage will last
      • Airship Reactor Time Limit
        • Set how long the Airship Reactor sabotage will last
    • : the sabotages will last their normal duration
  • Fix Lights Special Settings
    • : the host can control what happens when the lights are fixed
      • Block Switches When They Are Up
        • : switches will be blocked when they are on
        • : switches will not be blocked when they are on
      • Disable Viewing Deck Lights Panel (Airship)
        • : the Viewing Deck Lights Panel will be disabled
        • : the Viewing Deck Lights Panel will be enabled
      • Disable Gap Room Lights Panel (Airship)
        • : the Gap Room Lights Panel will be disabled
        • : the Gap Room Lights Panel will be enabled
      • Disable Cargo Lights Panel
        • : the Cargo Lights Panel will be disabled
        • : the Cargo Lights Panel will be enabled

  • Disable Unnecessary Shield Animations
    • : Unnecessary animations will be disabled
    • : All animations will be enabled
  • Disable Kill Animations on Guesses
    • : Kill animations will be disabled when guessing
    • : Kill animations will be enabled when guessing
  • Disable Vanilla Roles
    • : the host can disable Vanilla Roles
    • : Vanilla Roles will be enabled
  • Disable Task Win
    • : Task wins will not be possible
    • : Task wins will be possible
  • Disable Meetings
    • : Meetings will not be possible
    • : Meetings will be possible
  • Disable Sabotages
    • : Sabotages will not be possible
      • Disable Doors Sabotage
        • : Doors Sabotage will be disabled
        • : Doors Sabotage will be enabled
    • : Sabotages will be possible
  • Disable Devices
    • : Devices will be disabled
      • Disable Skeld Devices
        • : Skeld Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
        • : Skeld Devices will be enabled
      • Disable MiraHQ Devices
        • : MiraHQ Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable DoorLog
            • : DoorLog will be disabled
            • : DoorLog will be enabled
        • : MiraHQ Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Polus Devices
        • : Polus Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Polus Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Airship Devices
        • : Airship Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Cockpit Admin
            • : Cockpit Admin will be disabled
            • : Cockpit Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Records Admin
            • : Records Admin will be disabled
            • : Records Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Airship Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Fungle Devices
        • : Fungle Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Binoculars
            • : Binoculars will be disabled
            • : Binoculars will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Fungle Devices will be enabled
    • Ignore Conditions
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore after First Death
        • : Conditions will be ignored after the first death
        • : Conditions will not be ignored after the first death

  • Sync Buttons Mode
    • : the host can control how many buttons are allowed overall
    • : the buttons needed to call a meeting will be normal
  • Meeting When No One is Dead
    • : the host can control whether meetings can be called when no one is dead
      • Meeting Time When No One is Dead
        • Set how long the meeting will last when no one is dead
    • : meetings can be called when no one is dead
  • Additional Emergency Cooldown
    • Minimum Living Players to be Applied
      • Set how many players need to be alive for the additional emergency cooldown to be applied
    • Additional Cooldown
      • Set how long the additional emergency cooldown will be
  • Voting Mode
    • : Change how votes work
      • If the Player Skipped
        • No vote - The player's vote will not be counted
        • Suicide - The player will suicide after meeting
          • Ignore the First Meeting
            • : The first meeting will not make the player suicide
            • : The first meeting will make the player suicide
          • Ignore when No Dead Body
            • : If there's no dead body, skipping will not make the player suicide
            • : If there's no dead body, skipping will make the player suicide
          • Ignore at Emergency Meetings
            • : If an Emergency Button is called, skipping will not make the player suicide
            • : If an Emergency Button is called, skipping will make the player suicide
        • Self Vote - The player will vote themself
          • Ignore the First Meeting
            • : The first meeting will not make the player self-vote
            • : The first meeting will make the player self-vote
          • Ignore when No Dead Body
            • : If there's no dead body, skipping will not make the player self-vote
            • : If there's no dead body, skipping will make the player self-vote
          • Ignore at Emergency Meetings
            • : If an Emergency Button is called, skipping will not make the player self-vote
            • : If an Emergency Button is called, skipping will make the player self-vote
      • If the player didn't vote
        • No vote - No vote will be tallied (Abstain)
        • Suicide - The player will suicide after the meeting
        • Self Vote - The player will vote themself
        • Skip - The player will automatically skip
      • When Tied Vote
        • No ejects - No ejects will happen (Tied)
        • Eject All - Ejects all tied players
        • Eject Random - Ejects a random player between the tied players
    • : Votes will remain the same

  • Fall From Ladders
    • : Players will fall from ladders
      • Fall to Death Chance
        • Set the chance that players have to die when falling from ladders
    • : Players will not fall from ladders
  • Reset First Kill Cooldown
    • : The kill cooldown will be reset to their respective cooldowns
    • : The kill cooldown will be standard
  • Shield the person who got killed first in the last game
    • : Protects the player who was killed in the previous game
    • : The game will go as normal
  • Kill Flash Duration
    • Set how long the kill flash will last

  • Ghosts Exempt From Tasks
    • : Ghosts will be exempt from tasks
    • : Ghosts will not be exempt from tasks
  • Ghosts Can See Other Roles
    • : Ghosts will be able to see other players' roles
    • : Ghosts will not be able to see other players' roles
  • Ghosts Can See Vote Colors
    • : Ghosts will be able to see other players' vote colors
    • : Ghosts will not be able to see other players' vote colors
  • Ghosts Can See Cause of Death
    • : Ghosts will be able to see the cause of death of other players
    • : Ghosts will not be able to see the cause of death of other players
  • Converted Players can be any Ghost Roles
    • : Converted Players can be any Ghost Roles
    • : Converted Players cannot be any Ghost Roles
  • Max Impostor Ghost Roles
    • Set how many Impostor Ghost Roles can spawn
  • Max Crewmate Ghost Roles * Set how many Crewmate Ghost Roles can spawn
  • Default Ability Cooldown * Set how long the ability cooldown for ghosts will last by default

  • Maximum Game Length

    • Set how long the game will be
  • Kill Cooldown

    • Set the global Kill Cooldown of all players
  • Prevent venting when only 2 players are alive

    • : Venting will be disabled when only 2 players are alive
    • : Venting will not be disabled when only 2 players are alive
  • Prevent players whose kill cooldown is up from venting

    • : Players who have 0 Cooldown will not be able to vent
    • : Players who have 0 Cooldown will still be able to vent
  • Enable Random Events

    • : Random Events may occur
    • : Random Events will not occur
  • Shield Duration

    • Set how long Shields will last
  • Increased Speed

    • Set how fast Increased Speed makes players
  • Decreased Speed

    • Set how slow Decreased Speed makes players
  • Modified Speed Duration

    • Set how long Speed modifications will last
  • Lowered Vision

    • Set how low the Vision will be
  • Lowered Vision Duration

    • Set how long Lowered Vision will last
  • Enable Random Swaps from time to time

    • : Random Swaps may occur
    • : Random Swaps will not occur
  • Shields break after 1 kill attempt

    • : Shields will break after 1 kill attempt
    • : Shields will not break after 1 kill attempt
  • Random Maps Mode

    • : Map will be chosen randomly
      • Chance that the map is
        • The Skeld - Set the chance that the map will be The Skeld
        • MIRA HQ - Set the chance that the map will be MIRA HQ
        • Polus - Set the chance that the map will be Polus
        • dlekS ehT - Set the chance that the map will be dlekS ehT
        • Airship - Set the chance that the map will be Airship
        • The Fungle - Set the chance that the map will be The Fungle
        • Use a more random map selection
          • : Maps will be selected even more randomly
          • : Maps will not be selected even more randomly
  • Map Modifications

    • : Mess with Map modifiers to change how you can play on maps
    • : Map modifiers will not be implemented and will work as Vanilla intended
      • Variable Electrical ()
        • The Electrical room will be randomized.
      • Disable Moving Platform ()
        • : Moving platform will be disabled
        • : Moving platform will be enabled
      • Disable Spore Trigger ()
        • : Spore Trigger will be disabled
        • : Spore Trigger will be enabled
      • Disable Zipline ()
        • : Zipline will be disabled
          • Disable Use From Top
            • : Zipline will be disabled from the top
            • : Zipline will not be disabled from the top
          • Disable Use From Bottom
            • : Zipline will be disabled from the bottom
            • : Zipline will not be disabled from the bottom
        • : Zipline will be enabled
  • Disable Devices

    • : Devices will be disabled
      • Disable Skeld Devices
        • : Skeld Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
        • : Skeld Devices will be enabled
      • Disable MiraHQ Devices
        • : MiraHQ Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable DoorLog
            • : DoorLog will be disabled
            • : DoorLog will be enabled
        • : MiraHQ Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Polus Devices
        • : Polus Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Admin
            • : Admin will be disabled
            • : Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Polus Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Airship Devices
        • : Airship Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Cockpit Admin
            • : Cockpit Admin will be disabled
            • : Cockpit Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Records Admin
            • : Records Admin will be disabled
            • : Records Admin will be enabled
          • Disable Cameras
            • : Cameras will be disabled
            • : Cameras will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Airship Devices will be enabled
      • Disable Fungle Devices
        • : Fungle Devices will be disabled
          • Disable Binoculars (Will Not Work for Vanilla)
            • : Binoculars will be disabled
            • : Binoculars will be enabled
          • Disable Vitals
            • : Vitals will be disabled
            • : Vitals will be enabled
        • : Fungle Devices will be enabled
    • Ignore Conditions
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore
        • : conditions will be ignored
        • : conditions will not be ignored
      • Ignore after First Death
        • : Conditions will be ignored after the first death
        • : Conditions will not be ignored after the first death