
Whenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they complete a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Tired that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Tired
  • Vision when Tired
    • Set the Vision multiplier that a Tired player will have
  • Speed when Tired
    • Set the Speed multiplier that a Tired player will have
  • Tired Duration
    • Set how long the Tired effects will last
  • can become Tired
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Tired
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Tired
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role

From: [Drakos]