
As the Hurried, you must finish all of your tasks to win with your team! If you failed with completing your tasks, you lose.
Hurried hurries to his goal so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so on.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Hurried that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Hurried
  • Madmate can be Hurried on game start
    • : Madmates can be Hurried on game start
    • : Madmates cannot be Hurried on game start
  • Task based Crewmates can be Hurried
    • : Task based Crewmates can be Hurried (Crewmates whose Abilites are activated via doing/finishing tasks)
    • : Task based Crewmates cannot be Hurried (Crewmates whose Abilites are activated via doing/finishing tasks)
  • Hurried can be recruited in game (excludes madmate)
    • : Hurried Crewmates can be recruited by Cultist, Jackal, any recruiting roles
    • : Hurried Crewmates cannot be recruited by Cultist, Jackal, any recruiting roles

Idea: Pyro & Coding: NikoCat223open in new window