Helpful Resources

Here are some Resources that may help you understand some things relating to the mod. Such as Mod Features, Customization, other Useful Guides/Information, & User Submitted Content.

Below is a list of Hot-Keys that you can use to make your experience better while playing Town of Host: Enhanced. You can use these Hot-Keys to perform certain actions.
LeftAlt + ReturnSwitch to Fullscreen.
LeftAlt + F4Use the Secret Town of Host: Enhanced Exclusive Role.
CtrlGo through Dropship walls in lobby.
TabDo next page.
F1Show role info.
F2Show add-ons info.
F3Show role settings.
F4Show add-ons settings.
F10Open the game directory.
F5 + TReload Custom Translations.
F5 + XExport Custom Translations and Role Colors.
F11 + LeftAltChange the resolution.
F1 + LeftCtrlSend logs.
LeftAlt + CCopy current settings.

CCancel start count down.
GShow intro.
IGet Present Coordinate.
F6Force end meeting & count votes.
LeftShiftForce start game.
LeftCtrl + LMBKill hovered player.
N + LeftCtrlDisplays the currently valid settings.
Return + C + LeftShiftShow chat.
Return + L + LeftShiftForce end game.
Return + M + LeftShiftForce start/end meeting.
LeftCtrl + LeftShift + E + ReturnSuicide.
=Task number display toggle.
BAll players exit vent.
CAll players enter vent.
NClear vent.
PGet Position.
YForce sync custom settings.
F2 + LeftCtrlWhether the toggle log is also output in the game.
LeftShift + V + ReturnTeleport all players to the host.
Return + F + LeftShiftKill flash.
Return + V + LeftShiftClear self vote only in local game.
Return + D + LeftShiftOpen all the doors in Airship map.
Return + K + LeftShiftSet kill cooldown to 0 seconds.
Return + T + LeftShiftComplete all your tasks.

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

Below is a list of commands that you can use to make your experience better while playing Town of Host: Enhanced. You can use these commands in the chat box to perform certain actions.

Note: Commands may be locked behind specific settings, such as /rename for Everyone (Which Hosts usually have disabled).

Commands that are italicized are considered "essential" and are recommended for all players.

/apocinfoSee how Apocalypse roles work.
/apocalypseinfoSee how Apocalypse roles work.
/covinfoSee how Coven works.
/coveninfoSee how Coven works.
/color [color]Change your Color to any, even if someone's taken it.
/colour [color]Change your Color to any, even if someone's taken it.
/dSee how you died.
/deathSee how you died.
/ghostinfoSee how Ghost roles work.
/hDisplay out-of-date command info.
/helpDisplay out-of-date command info.
/iconDisplay icons and what they mean.
/iconsDisplay icons and what they mean.
/iconhelpDisplay icons and what they mean.
/kcSee how many killers remain.
/kcountSee how many killers remain.
/khDisplay the kill events of the previous round.
/killlogDisplay the kill events of the previous round.
/lDisplay the results of the previous round.
/lastresultDisplay the results of the previous round.
/mSee your Role Info.
/myroleSee your Role Info.
/meGives information about the player's Friend Code, PUID, and more.
/n [r/roles]Show all enabled roles.
/now [r/roles]Show all enabled roles.
/n [a/all]Show all enabled settings.
/now [a/all]Show all enabled settings.
/qtLeave lobby forever.
/quitLeave lobby forever.
/rn [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/rename [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/rDisplay list of active roles.
/r [name]Display info on specified role.
/role [name]Display info on specified role.
/rsDisplay the roles played of the previous round.
/rolesummaryDisplay the roles played of the previous round.
/sumDisplay the roles played of the previous round.
/summaryDisplay the roles played of the previous round.
/t [title]Display a template.
/template [title]Display a template.
/tpinTP In the Dropship.
/tpoutTP Out the Dropship.
/voteVote any player you wish.
/winDisplay the players that won the previous round.
/winnerDisplay the players that won the previous round.
/xfFix when names cover chat.
/8ball"Shake" an 8ball.
/coinflipFlip a Coin.
/gno [#]Guess the Number.
/rand [#] [#]Generate Random Number between the 2 values you gave.
/rpsPlay Rock Paper Scissors.
/dumpDump Logs to Desktop.
/vCheck all player's mod version.
/versionCheck all player's mod version.
/idShow all IDs of players in the lobby.
/answer [ⓐ/ⓑ/ⓒ]Answer the Quizmaster's question if they've targeted you.
/qmquizRe-send the Quizmaster's question if you need to see it again.
/bt [ID] [role]Guess the Role of another Player.
/cmp [ID] [ID]Compare the alignments of two players as Inspector.
/duel [⓪/①/②]Participate in a Pirate duel.
/finishEnd a meeting as President.
/revealReveal yourself as President.
/ret [ID]Retribute a player as Retributionist.
/rv [ID]Revenge a player as Nemesis.
/sw [ID] [ID]Choose 2 players to Swap as Swapper.
/tl [ID]Trial a player as Judge or Councillor.
/ms [yes/no]Answer the Medium's 'Yes or No' question as a Ghost.
/color [color]Change your Color to any, even if someones taken it.
/colour [color]Change your Color to any, even if someones taken it.
/rn [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/rename [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/tagcolorChanges the player's tag color.
/tagcolourChanges the player's tag color.
/vipcolor [HEXCODE]Change your tag color.
/ban [ID] [reason]Ban specified player.
/kick [ID] [reason]Kick specified player.
/midShow All Players IDs.
/modcolor [HEXCODE]Change your tag color.
/s [message]Send moderator message.
/say [message]Send moderator message.
/startAllows lobby moderators to start the game.
/tagcolorChanges the player's tag color.
/tagcolourChanges the player's tag color.
/warn [ID] [reason]Warn specified player.
/changeroleAllows the Host to change their role midround to a vanilla one.
/cosidLogs the current outfit accessory IDs.
/cs [sound]Play a custom sound (sound = file name in TOHE).
/dis [crew/imp]Someone Disconnected.
/disconnect [crew/imp]Someone Disconnected.
/endEnds the game.
/exe [ID]Execute specified player (no body).
/hnHide your name.
/hidenameHide your name.
/idShow all IDs of players in the lobby.
/level [#]Sets the player's level to the number they choose for that session.
/kill [ID]Kill specified player (leave body).
/mwSets the amount of time modded clients must wait between messages.
/messagewaitSets the amount of time modded clients must wait between messages.
/pollBegin a poll in your lobby.
/rn [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/rename [name]Rename yourself in this session.
/s [message]Send host message.
/say [message]Send host message.
/sd [sound]Plays a sound which exists in the game.
/setplayersSet maximum lobby size.
/tagcolorChanges the player's tag color.
/tagcolourChanges the player's tag color.
/up [role]Select a specified role that you'll be in the next match.

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

Below is a list of Icons, as well as what they indicate.

This player was spelled by a
This player was hexed by a
This player was shrouded by a
This player is being dueled by a
This player is being quizzed by a
This player is a who is about to finish their tasks
This player is a who is about to finish their tasks
This player has a Shield
This player is the 's target
This player is your
This player is your
This player is a
This player is a
This player is a
This player is a
This player is a
This player is a
This player is a teammate of the
This player is marked by the
This player is blackmailed by the
This player is marked by the
This player is a quantum ghost marked by the
Used by the to mark who has Bread
Used by the to mark who's death they're predicting.
Used by the to mark who they have plagued.
Used by the to set their target, target also sees this on .
Visible on the about to speak.
Shown on the member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to .
This player is Jinxed by the . This is only shown to
This player is Illusioned by the . This is only shown to
This player is Stoned by the . This is only shown to
This player is a Voodoo Doll of the . This is only shown to

From + Compiling: NotPyro404

Below is a list of Quizmaster Questions, as well as their Correct/Possible Options. (Warning: Spoilers!)

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The total of Factions in TOHE is Four. Impostors, Crewmates, Neutrals, & Coven.
All Possible Options: "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", & "Five".

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Faction that was added and removed one update later was Coven. (Re-added in v2.2.0)
All Possible Options: "Sabotuer", "Sorcerers", "Coven", "Killer", & "None".

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The E in TOHE originally stood for Edited, rather than Enhanced.
All Possible Options: "Edition", "Experimental", "Enhanced", & "Edited".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Owner of The Enhanced Network (TEN) + TOHE is Moe. All Possible Options: "Lauryn", "Jackler", "Moe", "Marg", "Sarha", "laikrai", "Niko", "D1GQ", "KARPED1EM", & "Matt".

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Last Role added to TOHE by KARPED1EM was: Pacifist.
All Possible Options: "Pacifist", "Vampire", "Snitch", "Vigilante", "Jackal", "Mole", & "Sniper".

This question is situational, meaning it doesn't always have the same answer, and will vary game to game.

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Quizmaster's cooldown will always be 15.
All Possible Options: "15", "30", "0", & "999".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

Quizmaster was coded by Furo.
All Possible Options: "Furo", "Drakos", "Moe", "Marg", "Multiple People", "TommyXL", "Niko", "Pyro", "KARPED1EM", & "Ryuk".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Enhanced Network's current Partner is Modded Among Us Lobbies.
All Possible Options: "Innersloth", "Modded Among Us Lobbies", "Purple Among Us", "Steam", "Twitter", "Town Of Us: Reactivated", "Moe Corporation", & "Digital Bandidos".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network is Sarha.
All Possible Options: "Moe", "Sarha", "Lauryn", "Jackler", "Matt", "Tasha", "Pyro", & "Fish".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

There are 3 Cat Related Roles in TOHE. These consist of Copycat, Schrodinger's Cat, & OIIAI (Cat).
All Possible Options: "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", & "6".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

/bt actually stands for Bet.
All Possible Options: "Nothing, it's just /bt", "Bet", "Bloodthirst", "Betray Them", "Bomb Tag", & "Bad Thing".

This question is fixed, meaning it always has the same answer and remains consistent across all games.
Note: Don't click the dropdown menu if you want to be surprised.

The following role that is not from Town of Salem 2 (TOS2) is Moon Dancer
All Possible Options: "Coven Leader", "Jinx", "Marshall", "Doomsayer", "Baker", "Moon Dancer", "Pirate", "Mayor", "Veteran", & "Psychic".

Below is a list of Causes of Death, as well as how they occur.

Any Role that can Kill (Is applied to any role that does not have a special death reason)

When a player is voted (Is applied when a player is voted out during a Meeting)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Unlucky (Happens to the player by chance)
Ghoul (If the player with Ghoul finishes all tasks when alive)
Addict (If the Addict does not vent by the suicide timer)
Deathpact (If the marked players do not meet in time)
Mastermind (If the manipulated target does not kill by the timer, or a meeting is called while they are manipulated)
Mercenary (If Mercenary does not kill by the suicide timer)
Pixie (Can only happen if Pixie suicides if target is not voted out setting is on)
Terrorist (Can only happen if Can Win by Suicide setting is on)
Sacrifist (Happens if they sacrifice themselves while having the Necronomicon)

Player leaves the Game (If no cause of death was established, does not always display if the player disconnected)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Ladders on Airship/Fungle (Fall From Ladders setting)

Evil Guesser (If a player was guessed or if a player misguessed)
Nice Guesser (If a player was guessed or if a player misguessed)
Doomsayer (If a player was guessed or if a player misguessed)
Guesser (If a player was guessed or if a player misguessed)
Guesser Mode (If a player was guessed or if a player misguessed)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Shouldn’t happen (404: DeathReasonNotFound)
Game Master (Only exception, the death reason of Game Master will be Other)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Witch (Given to a player marked by the Witch if the Witch isn't voted out)

Cursed Wolf (Given to players killed by the Cursed Wolf's reflect)

Hex Master (Given to a player marked by the Hex Master if the HexMaster isn't voted out)

Lovers (Given to the other Lover when their Lover died)

Vampire (Given to players that Vampire has used their kill button on)

Poisoner (Given to players that Poisoner has used their kill button on)
Alchemist (Poison Potion)

Bomber (Given to players within the radius of the Bomber when it explodes)
Nuker (Given to players within the radius of the Nuker when it explodes)
Fireworker (Given to players killed by the Fireworker's fireworks)
Berserker (If Bombed Kills setting on)
Bastion (Given to players if they use a vent that the Bastion did)
Agitator (Given to players if they hold the Agitator's bomb (hot potato) and don't pass it on)
Taskinator (Given to player if they do a task that the Taskinator did) Terrorist (Given to all players when Terrorist meets their win-condition)
Burst (Given to Killer if they killed a player with Burst & failed to stay in a vent when the detonation goes off)
Conjurer (Given to players affected by the Conjurer's meteor)

Deceiver (Whoever Deceiver’s ability is used on)
Reverie (If Cooldown increases too much)
Sheriff (If Sheriff tries to kill player with role they aren’t allowed to kill)
Fireworker (If Fireworker is in their own radius when they explode)
Hater (Hater kills target when misfire setting)
Pursuer (When whoever Pursuer blanks attempts to kill)
Vengeful Romantic (If killed someone other than partner’s killer)

Arsonist (Given to players that have been doused when the Arsonist vented & killed)

Sniper (Given to players that have been killed by the Sniper) (UNUSED)

Avenger (Happens to a random player when player with Avenger is killed)
Randomizer (Happens by chance)
Retributionist (Whoever Retributionist kills using their '/rv' command)
Butcher (If Butcher kills Avenger then EVERYONE gets this)
Nemesis (Whoever Nemesis kills using their '/rv' command)

Jailer (Given to the players that the Jailer has jailed & killed)
Host (Given to player that the Host decides to execute)

Pelican (Given to the players that the Pelican has used their kill button on)

Hater (Given to the player that the Hater successfully killed)
Revolutionist (Given to the player that the Revolutionist attempted to recruit)
Bodyguard (Given to the Bodyguard themselves)

Lightning (Given if a player touches another player after becoming Quantum Ghost)

Workholic (Given to the Workholic if they complete their tasks)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Workaholic (Given to everyone else alive if Workaholic completes their tasks)

Provocateur (Given to the Provocateur's target)
Crusader (Given to Crusader if it tries to kill Pestilence)

Butcher (Given to players the Butcher has killed)

Hangman (Given to players the Hangman has killed while they were shapeshifted)

Councillor (Given to players that the Councillor used their '/tl' command on)
Judge (Given to players that the Judge used their '/tl' command on)

Infectious (Given to players killed by the Infectious)
Plague Scientist (Given to players killed by the Plague Scientist)
Virus (Given to players killed by the Virus)

Jinx (Given to players killed by the Jinx's reflect)

Glitch (Given to players killed by the Glitch)

Pirate (Given to a player that loses the duel against the Pirate)

Shroud (Given to a player marked by the Shroud if the Shroud isn't voted out, or the player hasn't performed a kill)

Werewolf (Given to players caught in the Werewolf's Maul Radius)

Puppeteer ('Puppet dies alongside victim' Setting)

Fragile (Given to a player that any Impostor based role interacted with)

Trapster (Given to players that report a body killed by the Trapster)

Kamikaze (Given to players killed when the Kamikaze dies)

Instigator (Given to players that voted for the same player that the Instigator voted for)

Hawk (Given to a player that the Hawk has haunted)

Bloodmoon (Given to a player that the Bloodmoon has haunted)

Quizmaster (Given to players that incorrectly answer a question from the Quizmaster)

Famine (Given to anyone without bread after Famine transforms and is not voted out, or when famine uses their kill button on a player after that)

Death (Given to everyone alive if Death is not voted out when they transform)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason.

Altruist (Happens to the Altruist upon reviving someone)

Shocker (Given to the players that we're in the room Shocker marked for Electrocution)

Scavenger (Given to the players that the Pelican has used their kill button on)

Moon Dancer (Set chance to do this when Moon Dancer kills with Necronomicon)

Bug (This Death Reason occurred awhile ago due to bugs, but has since been patched out)
Tricky, Susceptible, & Illusionist will never give this death reason, but that should be obvious.

From: Margopen in new window + Compiling: NotPyro404

Open the root directory of game: ...\Among Us\TOHE-DATA\

There are a few files:

  • BanList.txt: A list of friendcodes that will be unable to join your lobby.
  • Default_Teamplate.txt: This is the Default TOHE Template file. If you wish to reset your templates to default, You can use this. (No idea why it says Teamplate.)
  • DenyName.txt: A list of names that will be filtered out of the game.
  • Moderators.txt: A list of friendcodes that will receive a nice Moderator tag (editable via ...\Among Us\Language\english.dat) as well as permissions to moderate your lobby (such as using the commands near the top of the page). Only grant users you trust these permissions! (NOTE: There is a new system to give out VIP/Permissions)
  • template.txt: You can modify the welcome and onMeeting messages here. You can also add custom templates here as well following the same format as welcome & onMeeting use.
  • VIP-List.txt: A list of friendcodes that will be given a sweet VIP tag (editable via ...\Among Us\Language\english.dat) as well as permissions to change their name color. (NOTE: There is a new system to give out VIP/Permissions)
  • WhiteList.txt: A list of friendcodes that will be exempt from blacklisted platforms, along with level requirements.

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

Open the root directory of the mod and find the ..\Among Us\TOHE-DATA\template.txt file.

You can see that there are some words in the file, such as welcome, onMeeting, and other gibberish.

  • welcome:exampleMessage - this is the message that will be sent when other players enter your lobby.
  • onMeeting:exampleMessage - this is the message that will be sent when each meeting starts.
  • onFirstMeeting:exampleMessage - this is just like onMeeting, but the message sent here will only be sent on the first meeting. Any meetings after will prioritize onMeeting.

You can edit these templates, or add your own on new-lines!

On a new-line, you want to add your trigger word and your message. Such as: [example]:this is an example template! (The trigger word being [example] and the message being this is an example template!. (YOU NEED THE :!)) You can add as many of these as you want. You can then save the file, boot up the mod, and run /t [example] in your chat box to see if it's set up to your liking!

Alternatively, you may also use this Template Editoropen in new window put together by one of TOHE's Contributors, Drakosopen in new window.

There is a Tutorial at the bottom of the Template Editior's page if you need it. If you do not want to watch it, here's a small guide abounht how to use it.

  1. Enter a Title for the template. This title will be displayed at the top of the template when its activated in game. Here's what the title will look like by default: image
  2. Enter in what you want the template to display. You can edit the Font Size & Text Colors, but it is recommended to do it last. (From: Drakos)
  3. Enter in the name for this template. This name will also be the trigger word for this template. [example]:this is an example template! ([example] being the name/trigger word)
  4. Click the "Copy as HTML Formatted" to copy your template to your clipboard.
  5. Locate ..\Among Us\TOHE-DATA\template.txt and paste your new template on a new-line.
  6. You can then save the file [[Ctrl] + [S]], boot up the mod, and run /t [example] in your chat box to see if it's set up to your liking!

If you create copies of the template name on newlines, it will send them in seperate messages. Here's an example from Drakos: image

From + Compiling: NotPyro404 + Images: Drakos

Here's a Template Editor which you can use to edit or create templates.
Template Editoropen in new window

The Template Editor is only 1 of the many Utilities (Also by Drakos) which are on this Among Us Utilitiesopen in new window page. You can find a Welcome Message Guideopen in new window, Pixel Art Editoropen in new window, Galleryopen in new window, & also the Template Editoropen in new window shown already.

From: Drakos

You can edit your template.dat to say really anything you want! You can also download custom templates shared by others. If you want to use one, make sure the file is renamed to english.dat before using it, if it isn't already. (NOTE: english.dat is only if you are on the English Translation of base game Among Us. If you are using another Translation, please rename the english part to the translation you are using. (ie: Spanish.dat/SChinese.dat/Latam.dat/so on.) A list of all base game supported translations can be found on the Resources Page.)

Note: You have to put the file in the following directory: .\Among Us\Language for it to work. (Make sure your file is a .dat file, otherwise it will not work. Paste it alongside the template.dat file already in your folder.)

You can do a lot with your template.dat, for this though, we'll refer to it as english.dat for simplicity sake. For starters, you can edit the Host Text, Icon, & Color. I won't go into depth on everything that the english.dat can edit, but it's almost every line of text that can be displayed on the screen. Once you get the hang of editing the Host Text, Icon, & Color, you can move down the list to edit anything you really want to (Such as Role Names, Role Descriptions, VIP Text, Moderator Text, and more).
Below is what the default template.dat looks like, Versus what the edited english.dat I have looks like.
Versus what the edited english.dat I have looks like.

Just mess around a little bit, and have fun! Make sure you copy your template as a backup before you try messing with it again, or messing with the mod itself.

For some member submitted translations (not yet supported by Town of Host: Enhanced/Base game Among Us), browse the Resources Page.

From + Compiling: NotPyro404

Open the root directory of game: ...\Among Us\TOHE-DATA\

There are a few folders, you'll want the Tags one.:

This folder holds 4 files (by default), 3 Folders (MOD_TAGS + VIP_TAGS, + SPONSOR_TAGS), & a Tag_Template.txt file. You can disregard the 3 folders as those use a seperate system of Tags, the new system utilizes the Tag_Template.txt file. When you open the Tag Template, you'll see some lines to fill out, first Copy the Tag Template so things are easier (The mod will automatically generate a new one if you've lost it), then you can fill this out however you want to give a user a Custom Tag. You can leave most of it blank for a default tag (display) or edit the other lines with info for specific permissions. The file explains it clear enough, so use that. Once you've filled out the file, you can rename it to the friendcode of the player you want to have the Tag (Like friendcode#1234) and you're set. If you'd like to sort your friend codes into custom folders, you may, and it will automatically be checked AS LONG AS it's in the Tags directory. (Note: Probably works as long as you don't name the folders any of the following: MOD_TAGS + VIP_TAGS, + SPONSOR_TAGS, so don't.)

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

  • {{ModVersion}} - Displays the current version of Town of Host: Enhanced.
  • {{AmongUsVersion}} - Displays the current Among Us version.
  • {{InternalVersion}} - Displays the source code plugin version.
  • {{Date}} - Displays the current date.
  • {{Time}} - Displays the current time.
  • {{PlayerName}} - Displays the readers username.
  • {{HostName}} - Displays the hosts username.
  • {{RoomCode}} - Displays the Room Code.
  • {{Map}} - Displays the Map that is going to be played.
  • {{KillCooldown}} - Displays the default Kill Cooldown set in your Among Us settings.
  • {{NumCommonTasks}} - Displays the amount of Common Tasks per player.
  • {{NumLongTasks}} - Displays the amount of Long Tasks per player.
  • {{NumShortTasks}} - Displays the amount of Short Tasks per player.
  • {{NumEmergencyMeetings}} - Displays the amount of meetings allowed per player.
  • {{DiscussionTime}} - Displays the time period where you can talk before voting.
  • {{VotingTime}} - Displays the time period where you vote.
  • {{EmergencyCooldown}} - Displays the cooldown before you can call a meeting.
  • {{PlayerSpeedMod}} - Displays the speed of players.
  • {{CrewLightMod}} - Displays the vision radius of a Crewmate.
  • {{ImpostorLightMod}} - Displays the vision radius of an Impostor.

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

  • <color=#[hex]>exampleText</color> Changes the Color of the text/font.
  • <b>exampleText</b> Enables Bold for the text/font.
  • <s>exampleText</s> Enables Strikethrough for the text/font.
  • <u>exampleText</u> Enables Underline for the text/font.
  • <i>exampleText</i> Enables Italics for the text/font.
  • <mark>exampleText</mark> Enables Highlight for the text/font.
  • <sup>exampleText</sup> Enables Superscript for the text/font.
  • <sub>exampleText</sub> Enables Subscript for the text/font.
  • <size=[size][%]>exampleText</size> Sets the of the text/font. (Can type exact text/font sizes or use percentages.)
  • \n Creates a New Line. (Such as <br> or Return/Enter would.)

From: The Enhanced Network + Compiling: NotPyro404

Here's a full list of Rich Text Tags that you can use for formatting. Some may not work, so keep that in mind. There is a <font> tag, that will not work with all fonts, it will only work with the Fonts covered in the next dropdown menu. Link to Listopen in new window

From: Unity Technologies

Here's a Doc covering Fonts & Symbols that you can use while creating Templates! This Doc also shows some Sprites which are technically other Symbols, as well as some Icons and what exactly they mean when you see them!
Link to Docopen in new window

From: Drakos

You can find the original Hex Codes of Town of Host: Enhanced Roles Hereopen in new window.

From: The Enhanced Network

Below is a list of all languages supported by Vanilla Among Us.

  • - French
  • - Japanese
  • - Latin American
  • - Italian
  • - Spanish
  • - Simplified Chinese
  • - Traditional Chinese
  • - English
  • - Portuguese Brazil
  • - Russian
  • - Dutch
  • - German
  • - Portuguese Portugal
  • - Korean
  • - Filipino
  • - Irish

From: Innersloth + Compiling: NotPyro404

Below is a list of all colors + their IDs supported by Vanilla Among Us.


From: Innersloth + Compiling: NotPyro404

You can save your favorite settings as presets and load them later. You can also download presets shared by others.

If you are new to hosting and don't know what to enable, there are also some Starter Presets below. Once you have a bit of a grasp on some roles and some special perks, you can try out some Advanced Presets, unless you think you're ready to try out Expert Presets, which include a lot of complex roles and perks.
If you want to try out what some community members roll with, you can try downloading one of the many Member Submitted Presets, which are sorted by the above system.

For Instructions on how to Install Presets, visit FAQ.

Keep in Mind: It is always suggested to just roll with whatever you like! If you see any roles you may like or are simply interested in, enable them, and mess with them to your personal liking!

You can submit your own preset to be featured by joining the Discord Serveropen in new window, heading to #website-feedback, and creating a forum post with the Preset tag.

In this section, you can find Starter Presets. These are great for new hosts/players that want to slowly learn about all that Town of Host: Enhanced has to offer, but are also amazing for TOHE Veterans that may want to take a breather from the chaos.

Important Notes: I am not a genius, I am not good at creating Presets to introduce players to TOHE. Submissions are appreciated for what you would recommend to new hosts.

Download this Preset
Important Notes: This Preset is as simple as they come, well, besides just being default Impostors & Crewmates, but it's to get you famiar wliith the very base Mechanics.

Provided by: NotPyro404

Download this Preset
Important Notes: This Preset is the same as Vanilla, but instead to introduce you to Special Crewmate Abilities, & Neutrals. Roles Enabled below:
Sheriff, Mechanic, Jester, & Serial Killer.

Provided by: NotPyro404

Download this Preset
Important Notes: This Preset is to introduce you to a few Add-ons that spice gameplay. Nothing Speed related/complicated yet.

Provided by: NotPyro404

Download this Preset
Important Notes: This Preset is to get you into a few Impostor Roles. These will only be ones with basic abilities, nothing crazy.

Provided by: NotPyro404

In this section, you can find Advanced Presets. These are recommended for TOHE casuals that may want to try out hosting for themselves, or new hosts that have familiarized themselves with some basic TOHE mechanics.

Download this Preset
Important Notes: This Preset is what Ed (holmes3) uses in their lobbies and recommends to familiar hosts.

Provided by: Ed

In this section, you can find Expert Presets. These are recommended for hosts that may want to try turning up the heat, or TOHE Veterans that want a bigger challenge. Some of these can get insane, & complex.

Download this Preset
Important Notes: Preset 1 is Marg's Regular Settings. Preset 2 is Marg's Extreme Chaos Settings. Version: 2.0.0 Alpha 20

Submitted by: Marg

Download this Preset
Important Notes: Preset 1 is Pyro's Circus. This has every role enabled (Besides a few, which were either better as their addon versions, or just weren't wanted such as: Executioner, Most Vanilla Roles, so on.) Version: 2.1.0 Alpha 3

Submitted by: NotPyro404

You can create your own translations that Town of Host: Enhanced/Among Us doesn't already support, and use them if you wish. You can also download custom translations shared by others. If you want to use a translation, make sure the file is renamed to english.dat before using it, if it isn't already. NOTE: english.dat is only if you are on the English Translation of base game Among Us. If you are using another Translation, please rename the english part to the translation you are using. (ie: Spanish.dat/SChinese.dat/Latam.dat/so on.) A list of all base game supported translations can be found on the Resources Page.

Note: You have to put the file in the following directory: .\Among Us\Language for it to work. (Make sure your file is a .dat file, otherwise it will not work. Paste it alongside the template.dat file already in your folder.)

You can submit your own translation to be featured by joining the Discord Serveropen in new window, heading to #website-feedback, and creating a forum post with the Translation tag. Below are some member submitted translations:

Download this Translation
Important Notes: This translation is what was used for the TOHE x MAUL Christmas Event (Partnership) in 2024 (12/29/24). This only affects some roles.

Rename list will only be provided for this translation.

Cultist → Santa
BountyHunter → Gingerbread Tracker
FireWorks → Holiday Sparkler
SerialKiller → Nutcracker Nightmare
ShapeMaster → Snow Sculptor
Vampire → Mistletoe Drainer
Warlock → Frostcaster
Assassin → Silent Snowfall
Zombie → Frostbitten Walker
Hacker → Santa’s Codebreaker
Miner → Candy Cane Digger
Escapee → Snowdrift Runner
Witch → Yule Sorceress
Mafia → Toy Smuggler
Puppeteer → Christmas Puppetmaster
TimeThief → Yuletide Timer
Sniper → Icicle Shooter
EvilTracker → Naughty List Keeper
AntiAdminer → Rebel Elf
Bomber → Ornament Bomber
Scavenger → Stocking Raider
Gangster → Festive Mobster
Cleaner → Snow Sweeper
CursedWolf → Frostfang
QuickShooter → Candy Cane Sniper
Camouflager → Snowdrift Hider
Eraser → Memory Wiper
Swooper → Sleigh Glider
Crewpostor → Naughty Elf
Trickster → Kringle’s Prankster
Parasite → Mistletoe Leech
Disperser → Snowflake Scatterer
Inhibitor → Frostfreeze
Saboteur → Santa’s Saboteur
Councillor → Holiday Advisor
Dazzler → Starlight Dancer
Devourer → Feast Fiend
Twister → Winter Whirlwind
Lurker → Snow Shadow
Ludopath → Toymaker's Curse
Chronomancer → Holiday Timekeeper
Pitfall → Gift Pit
EvilMini → Naughty Ornament
Luckey → Starcatcher
Mayor → Christmas Chancellor
Sheriff → Town Protector
Jailer → Festive Lockdown
Marshall → Sleigh Sergeant
Transporter → Sleigh Driver
TimeManager → Winter Clock
Bodyguard → Reindeer Protector
Grenadier → Ornament Exploder
Medic → Reindeer Medic
Judge → Yuletide Arbiter
Mortician → Festive Undertaker
Deputy → Santa’s Helper
Oracle → Frost Prophet
Spiritualist → Holiday Spiritkeeper
Admirer → Mistletoe Admirer
Witness → Sleigh Watcher
Swapper → Gift Swapper
ChiefOfPolice → Elf Patrol Chief
Jester → Holiday Fool
Revolutionist → Snow Rebel
PlagueBearer → Snowstorm Spreader
Pestilence → Christmas Chill
Glitch → The Grinch
Sidekick → Sally
Juggernaut → Frost Giant
Infectious → Caroling Contagion
Virus → Holiday Bug
Pursuer → Naughty Tracker
Phantom → Christmas Wraith
Pirate → Festive Plunderer
Agitater → Tinsel Tinkerer
Maverick → Independent Elf
CursedSoul → Frosted Spirit
Pickpocket → Stocking Thief
Vulture → Sleigh Raider
Medusa → Holiday Stunner
Baker → Gingerbread Chef
Famine → Christmas Scarcity
Spiritcaller → Yule Spirit Whisperer
Imitator → Festive Mimic
Doomsayer → Winter Prophet
Shroud → Snow Cover
Werewolf → Krampus
Shaman → Winter Witch Doctor
Seeker → Starfinder
SoulCollector → Winter Reaper
Poisoner → Candy Poisoner
HexMaster → Frost Hexer
Necromancer → Frozen Necromancer
Lovers → Under the Mistletoe
Madmate → Merry Mischief
Watcher → Snow Watcher
Torch → Christmas Candle
Seer → Star Seer
Oblivious → Snowblind
Bewilder → Holiday Confuser
Workhorse → Reindeer Runner
Fool → Winter Fool
Youtuber → North Star
Egoist → Selfish Elf
Trapper → Gift Trapper
Rascal → Mischievous Elf
Soulless → Snow Spiritless
Lazy → Hibernating Elf
Loyal → Santa’s Loyalist
Swift → Dasher
Mare → Rudolph
Burst → Frost Burst
Sleuth → Christmas Detective
Clumsy → Tinsel Tumbler
Mastermind → Yuletide Strategist
Blackmailer → Silent Night
President → North Pole Leader
Inspector → Holiday Investigator
Randomizer → Gift Shuffler
Enigma → Snowfall Mystery
Taskinator → Toy Taskmaster
Pixie → Winter Sprite
Flash → Blitzen
Benefactor → Gift Giver
Penguin → Snowy Waddler
PlagueDoctor → Carol Plaguebringer
Rainbow → Christmas Lights
Mundane → Plain Snowflake
Mercenary → Masked Caroler
KillingMachine → Toy Crusher
Arrogance → Overconfident Elf
Minion → Santa’s Little Helper
Tiebreaker → Holiday Mediator
Schizophrenic → Split Spirit
Statue → Snowman
PunchingBag → Stuffed Stocking
Ghastly → Haunting Caroler
Radar → Reindeer Tracker
Bloodthirst → Crimson Frostbite
DollMaster → Marionette
Apocalypse → Frozen Cataclysm
Death → Silent Reaper
War → Winter Warlord
YinYanger → Snowflake Balancer
Spurt → Iceburst Sprinter
Troller → Grinch’s Prankster
Rebirth → Festive Renewal
Evader → Sleigh Dodger
Sloth → Hibernating Spirit
Shocker → Holiday Spark

Provided by: Sarhadactyl