
Detective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still be reported automatically unless settings state otherwise, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Hacker.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Obliviousā€™ that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Oblivious
  • can become Oblivious
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Oblivious
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Oblivious
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • Immune to Bait
    • : Bait will not auto-report
    • : Bait will act as normal

From: TOHR & Coding: KARPED1EMopen in new window