
As Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.
Your target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first.
Once you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.

  • Required number of souls
    • Set the amount of correct predictions the Soul Collector needs to win
  • Gain a passive soul each round
    • : the Soul Catcher can gain a passive soul each round
    • : the Soul Catcher cannot gain a passive soul each round
  • Soul Collector can vent
    • : the Soul Collector can vent
    • : the Soul Collector cannot vent
  • Increased meeting time when Death exists
    • Set the amount of time that the meeting is extended by when Death exists

From: ryuk, Reworked by: Marg