
As the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them Bread.
Once a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.
If the Bread gives additional effects setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out.
Bread Effects:
Reveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)
Roleblock: Sets the target's kill cooldown to 999 (resets to normal after meeting)
Barrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after meeting)

  • Required number of bread to become Famine
    • Set how much bread the Baker must have handed out to become Famine
  • Famine starve cooldown
    • Set the cooldown the Famine has to wait to Starve
  • Bread gives additional effects
    • : Bread will give additional effects
    • : Bread will not give additional effects

From: Marg