
As the Berserker, you level up with each kill. Upon reaching a certain level defined by the host, you unlock a new power.
Scavenged kills make your kills disappear.
Bombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near.
After a certain level you become War.

  • Berserker kill cooldown
    • Set how long the Berserker has to wait to kill
  • Max level that Berserker can reach
    • Set the Berserkers maximum level that they can build up to
  • Berserker has Vision
    • : the Berserker can see as far as an can
    • : the Berserker will have Vision
  • War has Vision
    • : War can see as far as an can
    • : War will have Vision
  • Berserker Can Vent
    • : Berserker can vent
    • : Berserker cannot vent
  • War Can Vent
    • : War can vent
    • : War cannot vent
  • Unlock lower kill cooldown
    • : Berserker can unlock a lower kill cooldown if they reach a certain level
      • Kill cooldown after unlocking
        • Set the kill cooldown that the Berserker will have after reaching a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock a lower kill cooldown even if they reach a certain level
  • Unlock scavenged kills
    • : Berserker can unlock scavenged kills if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock scavenged kills even if they reach a certain level
  • Unlock bombed kills
    • : Berserker can unlock bombed kills if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
    • : Berserker cannot unlock bombed kills even if they reach a certain level
  • Become War
    • : Berserker will become War if they reach a certain level
      • Level requirement for unlock
        • Set the level that the Berserker needs to reach to unlock this buff
      • War kill cooldown
        • Set the kill cooldown that the Berserker will have if they become War
    • : Berserker will not become War even if they reach a certain level

From: TOHEX, Reworked by: Marg