
Zombie has a short kill cooldown, but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie will not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Zombies that can be in a match
  • Kill Cooldown
    • Set how long a Zombie needs to wait to Kill players
  • After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by
    • Set the amount of Speed that gets deducted from the Zombie over time

Idea & Coding: KARPED1EMopen in new window

Prologue: The Zombie was often misunderstood. Despite his efforts to eat healthily and exercise, he was frequently body-shamed. He had plenty of energy but moved slowly due to his size.

Chapter 1: Rise of the Underdog Every day, the Zombie heard the same harsh words: "Fat," "Obese," "Unhealthy." These insults would frustrate anyone, and he had finally had enough. All he wanted was a chance to prove himself.

Chapter 2: A Helping Hand Mr. Sloth, hearing the Zombie's cries for help, decided to intervene. He influenced the selection process and made the Zombie an Impostor, hoping this new role would change how others viewed him.

Chapter 3: A Bold Move Unfortunately, in his first attempt as an Impostor, the Zombie was so focused on his surroundings that he accidentally revealed himself by taking out a crewmate in front of several others. It seemed like a disaster, but it was just the beginning.

Chapter 4: The Challenge "Too slow?" yelled the Captain, exasperated. "Our crew can’t even push him into the ejection tube!" A servant suggested two options: either defeat him with a skilled player or rally a team strong enough to handle him.

Chapter 5: The Turning Point With newfound energy, the Zombie began eliminating crewmates at an alarming rate. However, his vulnerability and slowness were his weaknesses. Despite this, he managed to rack up seven kills in a single round before the Sheriff finally confronted him.

Conclusion: The Zombie’s story serves as a reminder: everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t underestimate others based on appearances; they might surprise you. The tale of the Zombie teaches us that resilience can turn the tides, even in the toughest situations.

Submitted by: champofchamps78