
If you kill your assigned target, your next kill cooldown will be shortened. If you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Bounty Hunters that can be in a match
  • Time Until Target Swaps
    • Set how long the Bounty Hunter has to kill their current Target before it swaps to someone else
  • Kill Cooldown After Killing Bounty
    • Set the Bounty Hunter’s Kill Cooldown if they kill their set Target successfully
  • Kill Cooldown After Killing Others
    • Set the Bounty Hunter’s Kill Cooldown if they don’t kill their set Target
  • Show arrow pointing towards target
    • : the Bounty Hunter will see an arrow of where their target is
    • : the Bounty Hunter will not receive this arrow

From: TOH