
The Burst is an add-on that causes the Burst's killer to explode after a time set in the settings. The killer will be notified on killing the Burst.
If the killer is inside a vent, they will not die.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Bursts that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Burst
  • can have Burst
    • : can have this role
    • : cannot have this role
  • can have Burst
    • : can have this role
    • : cannot have this role
  • can have Burst
    • : can have this role
    • : cannot have this role
  • Burst Kill Delay
    • Set how long it takes for the Burst's killer to explode after killing the Burst

From: "Idea & Coding": TheSkullCreeperopen in new window