
When a Bait is killed, the player who killed the Bait will be forced to report the Bait's body. However, the skill will be invalid when the Bait is killed by a Scavenger or Cleaner.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Baits that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Bait
  • can become Bait
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Bait
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Bait
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • Minimum Report Delay
    • Set the minimal time the killer of the Bait will auto report in
  • Maximum Report Delay
    • Set the maximum time the killer of Bait will auto report in
  • Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report
    • : The killer of the Bait will hear a little tune play before they report
    • : No tune will play
  • Reveal Bait at the first meeting
    • : The player who is Bait will be announced to everyone at the first meeting
    • : Nobody will know who the bait is unless they reveal

From: TOH & Coding: KARPED1EMopen in new window