
As the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.

If you infect all the killers, you then can simply outnumber the crew and win the game.

  • Infect Cooldown
    • Set how long an Infectious needs to wait to Infect a player
  • Maximum Infections
    • Set how many times the Infectious can Infect people
  • Know Infected Player’s Role
    • : the Infectious can see the role of player’s that they’ve Infected
    • : the Infectious cannot see the Infected player’s roles.
  • Infected players know each other
    • : Infected players can see each other
    • : Infected players don’t know who else is an Infected player
  • Has Vision
    • : the Infectious has Vision
    • : the Infectious does not have Vision
  • Can Vent
    • : the Infectious has the ability to Vent
    • : the Infectious cannot Vent

From: "Idea & Coding": TheSkullCreeperopen in new window