
If the Terrorist dies after completing all tasks, the Terrorist wins the game alone. (They can win by either being voted out or killed).

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Terrorists that can be in a match
  • Can Win By Suicide
    • : the Terrorist can win if it somehow Suicides after finishing all Tasks
    • : the Terrorist will not win under this condition
  • Can Guess in Guesser Mode
    • : the Terrorist can Guess people in Guesser Mode (easy way to suicide too)
    • : the Terrorist cannot Guess, even when Guesser Mode is enabled
  • Override Terrorist’s Tasks
    • : you can set a different amount of Tasks that a Terrorist needs to do over the amount a normal has to do
    • : the Terrorist does the same amount of Tasks as anyone else
      • Terrorist has Common Tasks: Set if the Terrorist has Common Tasks
      • Amount of Long Tasks for Terrorist: Set the amount of Long Tasks the Terrorist will have to do to win
      • Amount of Short Tasks for Terrorist: Set the amount of Short Tasks the Terrorist will have to do to win
    • Apparently this role was abandoned, so like...yeah. It's just there...
      • You must have “Disable Hidden Roles” toggled for this to have a chance to appear

From: TOH