
As the Amnesiac, use your report button on a body to remember their role.

If the target was an Impostor, you'll become a Refugee.
If the target was a Crewmate, you'll become the target role if compatible (otherwise you become Engineer).
If the target was a passive neutral or a neutral killer not specified, you'll become the role defined in the settings.
If the target was a neutral killer of a select few, you'll become the role they are.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Amnesiacs that can be in a match
  • If neutral is incompatible, turn into
    • Set what role the Amnesiac will become if they try to remember a role that is incompatible with the Amnesiac, choose from:
      • Amnesiac
      • Pursuer
      • Follower
      • Maverick
      • Imitator
  • Has arrows pointing towards bodies
    • Set if Amnesiac will receive arrows pointing towards a dead body

From: ToUR

  • This. Is. Too. Tiring. Prologue The Amnesiac was a normal Neutral killer... If you can call that normal :giggle: One day though.. He saw a bean and tried to kill.. Only devastation followed..

Chapter 1 A Beautiful Day! 🌞 The Sun was shining, Birds singing and the Amnesiac humming a tune and swinging the knife around.. It was all wonderful until...

Chapter 2 Target.. Spotted The amnesiac saw a lonely bean running around desperately, He was so lost and afraid... Interesting thought the amnesiac as he sneaked behind him and thought "Lets end his misery"

Chapter 3 Last Words? No Last Essays! The amnesiac while stabbing the target asked for his last words and what he got were? Paragraphs... He didn't stop Yapping and Yapping He vented out EVERYTHING to him.. And when He finally stopped talking and died? The Amnesiac...

Chapter 4 I forgot? Forgot what he was even doing... the Knife fell out of his hands as he stumbled around trying to remember something... And he couldn't He tried and tried.. But couldn't

Chapter 5 What to do Now the amnesiac was no "Particular" Threat.. He couldn't even kill! So only way for him to have a chance at winning was to change alliances and remember...

Now there were 2 probabilities how he could remember Kill Button Report button

Note for Viewer sEttIngS VaRY fOr EvERy HOsT

Chapter 6 I remember! Now looking through a corpse the Amnesiac pulled out the heart and listened carefully and pulled out neurons from the brain and surgically Put them into his own brain

Now he remembered that he was a crewmate and changed alliances...

iF tHe DeAd OnE wAs Of OtHeR aLlIaNcEs ThErE wOuLd Be VaRiEd ReSuLtS 🤓

And finally... He won with the crewmates...

What a day!!

Wait... "AAH" The amnesiac screamed and started yapping again to his killer... This went on and on.. Making it the Oiiai Addon..

The... End?! I'm not sure

Submitted by: champofchamps78