
As the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to permanently change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift. Additionally, for each player's appearance changed, your kill cooldown is reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Devourers that can be in a match
  • Starting kill cooldown
    • Set the Starting kill cooldown for the Devourer
  • Reduce kill cooldown by
    • Set how much the kill cooldown will be reduced by for each player's appearance changed
  • Minimum kill cooldown
    • Set the lowest the kill cooldown can go
  • Devour Cooldown
    • Set how long the Devourer needs to wait to Devour again
  • Hide the names of consumed players
    • : the names of the players that were Devoured will not appear in game
    • : the names of the players that were Devoured will appear in game

From: Idea & Coding: papercutopen in new window

Prologue Now we know the fungle gas was a bit harmful to the crewmates always making them invisible and the Mushroom mix-up gas would make them change outfits but it was all an Illusion.. Or was it Chapter 1 No? The devourer was always a rebel going around and asking his buddies random stupid questions.. But they werent stupid. At all! One of those questions was... Is The fungle gas an Illusion or is it real? And.. Due to local rumors all of the friends replied.. It is an Illusion!! But he obviously asked.. How do you know? And they all went silent... Chapter 2 Going to Fungle Just for fun he asked his dad if he could Go to Fungle and... He could!! Now the only things he needed were Some oxygen cylinders to capture the gas and Wits... Now Navigating was easy because of the local rumors so he went around collecting gas samples One by One... Chapter 3Oh wait Now the Gas was never an illusion it was actual real gas that made the bean's skin react like an Allergy and made the skin transparent so no one could be seen What if though.. Chapter 4 Inhale... Exhale Now the Devourer had heard of rumors of a scavenger who ate other's skins and bodies.. Eating away the corpses but what if... He hired the Scavenger?? Now.. this was possible but the scavenger needed a payment... What about The skin of living crewmates The scavenger was given instructions about how to go on eating the skins.. He would need to inhale the Fungle gas and become transparent then go running to the target quickly knock him out and devour the skin and run away Chapter 5 Huh.? Now this went on and on as more crewmates lost skins they couldnt even be differentiated from each other... Making way for The devourer and his partners to swoop in and start Killing them and Kill and.. Kill This shows the strength of being a rebel and questioning reality as we know it! Never live in Stagnant water The End!!

Submitted by: champofchamps78