
As the Possessor, you are able to possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players that are in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.

  • Possession Cooldown
    • Set how long the Possessor has to wait to use their ability
  • Possession Duration
    • Set how long the Possessor's ability lasts for
  • Alert Range
    • Set the Alert Range that will cause the Possessor to lose possession if they are within it
  • Focus Range
    • Set the Focus Range that will not allow the Possessor to kill players in if they are within it

Idea & Coding: [D1GQ]