
As the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the Report button. Note: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally. Revived players cannot report their own dead bodies

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Altruists that can be in a match.
  • Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported
    • : The Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported
    • : The Revived Dead Body Can Be Reported
  • Can Have Access To Vitals
    • : Altruist can use Vitals
    • : Altruist cannot use Vitals
  • Vitals Display Cooldown
    • Set how long the Scientist has to wait to use Vitals
  • Battery Duration
    • Set how long the Scientist can use Vitals for at a time

From: TOHR & Coding: TommyXLopen in new window