The Deceiver can pass counterfeits to other players through the kill button. If a Non-Killing role receives the Counterfeit, they will Suicide after the Meeting. If a Killing role receives the counterfeit, they will suicide after attempting to kill someone.
- Max
- Set the Maximum amount of Deceivers that can be in a match
- Ability cooldown
- Set how long a Deceiver needs to wait to slide someone a Counterfeit
- Max number of uses
- Set how many times a Deceiver can give people Counterfeits
- Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without kill button
- : Deceiver will lose their ability if they deceive a player without a kill button
- : Deceiver will not lose their ability even if they deceive a player without a kill button
Placeholder: This role is a ROLE OH EM GOSH
Submitted by: Member