
Only can become Madmates. Madmates help the to win the game, Madmates will lose if all are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who the are and may know who the Madmates are (according to the host's settings).

Lazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate depending on the host's settings. Abilities change when the following roles are converted into Madmates:

  • Time Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time
  • Bodyguard => Their skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor
  • Grenadier => Flash bomb will work on and instead of Impostors
  • Sheriff => Can kill anyone including (depends on the host's settings)
  • Nice Guesser => Can guess and Neutrals
  • Psychic => All Evil and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red
  • Judge => Can judge anyone
  • Pacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates

Madmate spawn mode [FirstKill]: If the number of existing Madmates are lower than the host settings, when the attempts to kill a Crewmate, if the said meets the conditions for becoming a Madmate, they will become a Madmate instead of being killed.

Madmate spawn mode [SelfVote]: If the number of existing Madmates are lower than the host settings, the who voted for themselves in the meeting will become Madmates.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Madmates that can be in a match.
  • Madmate spawning mode
    • Set how Madmates spawn
      • Self Vote - If the number of existing Madmates are lower than the host settings, the who voted for themselves in the meeting will become Madmates
      • Assign - The Madmate will be assigned to a random Crewmate
      • First Kill - If the number of existing Madmates are lower than the host settings, when the attempts to kill a Crewmate, if the said meets the conditions for becoming a Madmate, they will become a Madmate instead of being killed
  • Madmates count as
    • Set what Madmates count as
      • Nothing
      • Impostors
      • Crewmates
- Roles
  • Sheriff
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Mayor
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Nice Guesser
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Marshall
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Overseer
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Retributionist
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
  • Snitch
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate
      • Snitch Tasks
        • Set how many tasks a Mad Snitch will get
  • Judge
    • : this role can become a Madmate
    • : this role cannot become Madmate

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