
As a guesser, guess roles of players in meetings to kill them.
Guessing incorrectly kills you instead.
The guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]
You can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.

  • Max
    • Set the Maximum amount of Guessers that can be in a match
  • Spawn Chance
    • Set the percentage players have of getting Guesser
  • can become Guesser
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Guesser
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • can become Guesser
    • : can become this role
    • : cannot become this role
  • Can guess Add-ons
    • If toggled ON anyone who reveals their Add-Ons can be guessed
    • : Anybody can reveal their Add-On without fear of being guessed
  • Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done
    • : players can quickly guess the Snitch before the Snitch rats them out
    • : players cannot guess the Snitch upon its task completion
  • Try to hide guesser's command
    • : the mod will attempt to hide the guesser’s command so they don’t reveal themself
    • : the mod will not hide the guesser’s command

From: TheOtherRoles, Coding: KARPED1EMopen in new window